Westworld: After Episode Four

After watching episode four, I have confirmed that I was right, and it was a terrible idea to try and figure out the storyform while watching it. I keep questioning the Domains, which means I really have no idea, although I'm pretty darn sure the Concerns are upper-left (because of Memories and The Past figuring so strongly).

Part of the problem is that there are at least two characters (Dolores and the brothel madame, Maeve) for whom Memories seem incredibly important. Normally that would make me consider it as the OS Concern, but I don't see that so much with all the other characters.

I wonder if there might be more than four throughlines -- like a Maeve as a satellite MC? Maybe repeating the exact same Domain & Concern as Dolores, and maybe Issue, but not necessarily all the way down to Problem level?

Anyway, I don't think I'm going to keep posting after each episode, unless I have a big revelation about the narrative structure, since it is a pretty foolish game!

